1913, Shiel, M.P. , The Dragon 

M.P. Shiel (1913) The Dragon, London, Grant Richards. First published 1 January-15 March 1913 Red Magazine as “To Arms!”. Republished in 1929 as The Yellow Peril.

The Dragon. By M. P. Shiel. (Grant Richards. 6s.)— The motive of this book is exactly the same as that of Mr. Shiel’s former novel, “The Yellow Danger,” that is, the invasion of Europe by the combined forces of the Chinese and Japanese. The working-out of the book, however, is very different from that of its predecessor, the hero being no less a personage than the then Prince of Wales. As George V. is alluded to by this gentleman as “my revered ancestor,” it may be concluded that the date of the book is some time hence. Mr. Shiel’s writing suffers from its usual faults—the incidents are rather confused, the characters are wooden, and it is often difficult to follow the incidents of the story. Notwithstanding all this, there is a certain energy and vividness about the story which will carry all but the moat fastidious readers on to the end.  [Review in Spectator, 19 July 1913]

Shiel’s last novel during his first literary phase was serialized as To Arms! in The Red Magazine, No 90-95, 1 Jan – 15 March 1913. It was an attempt to recapture the popular success of his one previous best seller, The Yellow Danger, inspired again by current events, the 1911-1912 Chinese Revolution. That May Grant Richards released the book version, retitled The Dragon, to dismal sales.[http://www.alangullette.com/lit/shiel/essays/shiel_tracy.htm]