James Blyth

James Blyth (1864-1933)

was a fairly prolific author of popular fiction who is best remembered in the sf field for his Future War novels, in all of which Britain is pitted against Germany [SFE http://www.sf-encyclopedia.com/entry/blyth_james]

Future war novels:

There is a discussion of James Blyth’s work in Harry Wood’s paper: Conservatism and the Radical Right in Edwardian Invasion-scare fiction, (2013), academia.edu http://www.academia.edu/2447653/Conservatism_and_the_Radical_Right_in_Edwardian_Invasion-scare_fiction

He also has an article on Ichabod – James Blyth’s highly anti-Semitic novel – at http://invasionscares.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/james-blyths-ichabod/